. thanks to DPChallenge for the picture of the post.
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'I Will Never Forget' By philup)

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Hey Guys!
This is just another fun post! Enjoy!
FMP tomorrow! Yay!
Remember - if you are the 1,000th person, and you let me know somehow, you shall recieve a prize (if I can get it to you)!!! Let me know!
Also, there are a bunch of things on me shishkablog which sould be able to be dragged (for example, my name on this post should be able to be dragged, as well as this colored text right here - try it!)- see if you can find them! Even if nothing in this post drags, I can guaruntee that things outside of it drag! *Hint* if there are non-simple things on this pege, on may simply drag them off!

Test your response time! My personal best is 0.179 seconds - see if you can do better!
Click on "Start" first, and wait until the background color changes. As soon as it changes, hit "stop!"

Thanks to Dynamic Drive

Love in Christ!

song of the post:
"The Sun Song (Technically: The Sun is a Mass of Incandescent Gas 'or' Why Does The Sun Shine?"
quote of the post:
"Just remember, If the world didn't su.ck, we'd all fall off!"
verse of the post:
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
=I Thessanonians 5:16-18=

allen left to contemplate other things at 11:11 PM



Monday, October 11, 2004

Okay guys, now for some fun!
*Note* All the cool illusions and etc. on this page are from Grand Illusions unless otherwise stated.

Can you figure these out?

(answers are at the bottom)

A Challenge!
This quiz is supposed to have been written by Einstein. He said that 98% of the people in the world cannot solve the quiz. Could you be among the other 2%?

There are 5 houses, each is a different colour
In each house lives a person of a different nationality.
These 5 owners all drink a certain beverage, smoke a certain brand of cigar and keep a certain pet.
No owner has the same pet, smokes the same brand of cigar or drinks the same drink as another owner.

1: The Briton lives in a red house.
2: The Swede keeps dogs as pets.
3: The Dane drinks tea.
4: The green house is on the left of the white house (they are also next door to each other).
5: The green house owner drinks coffee.
6: The person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds.
7: The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill.
8: The man living in the house right in the center drinks milk.
9: The Norwegian lives in the first house.
10: The man who smokes Blend lives next to the one who keeps cats.
11: The man who keeps horses lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill.
12: The owner who smokes Blue Master drinks beer.
13: The German smokes Prince.
14: The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
15: The man who smokes Blend has a neighbor who drinks water.

The question is: WHO KEEPS FISH?

Check this 'pinwheel' thing out! 'Tis really cool! If you click this link, you will download (or I just opened it, instead of downloading) a small application file (22KB - 'tis safe, to me and my computers knowledge). Basically what yer agonna do is yer agonna downloaded the file (took me less than 5 seconds to download), an then ya might hafta double click to run da 'pinwheel' 'til ya can't look no more (at least 30 seconds), an den ya should look at da middle of da 'pinwheel' and den after dat, just look away from da screen. Oisome™!
(Thanks to Jerry Andrus who invented this illusion, which he calls the Tri-zonal Space Warp!)

Ever heard of the Lizard Man?
Click here - 'Tis a very cool guy!

This is a very simple, yet pretty oisome™ illusion (requires a flash player to view)- Click here (thanks to Edward H. Adelson)

Check out this picture! Do what it says - 'tis really cool! Also, if you don't at first get it, try again! Also, I found that, as my eyes were closed, it helped me to see the image if I alternately went from having them closed them tighter to looser quickly (if ya know what I mean).


Season Ticket ('C's on ticket)


Unfinished business...

Upright piano

Click here for the answers to the WHO KEEPS FISH? Question. (a new window should pop up)

And I'm not going to tell you the "answer" to the picture, but do try to figure it out yourself! 'Tis really cool! Oh, and if you do think you figured it out, let me know what you thought it was! :)

Hey - tell me what you think of the optical illusion "picture" above, and the video, and the song, etc, etc.

Love in Christ,


song of the post:

The district sleeps alone tonight by The Postal Service

quote of the post:

Fraktál said...
Your blog is really great, I hugely enjoy it, but please, please, make it easier for the eye! Otherwise, people will just not read it anymore, and your nice, cosy blog will sink into oblivion...
2:16 DU
gonczi erzsi said...
never mind for the inconvenience caused by the strident colours. aren't you reading too many jerome k. jerome nowadays? mer' beszelsz anglisul???????????
3:20 DU
Fraktál said...
I am using this language just for bragging with my outstanding English skills. You should really heed (or hearken to) my plea, for your own blog's sake.
11:10 DU

I found this on gonczi erzsi's blog, who, apparently is from Nagyvarad, Romania. I thought that 'twas quite humerous cuz gonczi erzsi writes his posts in Romanian, but he has a quote by Einstein, as well as some song lyrics in English, so I looked at the comments on his latest post to see if there was any English (or Anglisul, maybe?), and, low-and-behold, there was! So, I just thought that it seemed like Fraktál was really lording his English (Angisul?) skills over gonczi erzsi. Do you think it does?

verse of the post:

"You shall have no other gods before Me." Genesis 20:3 - Think about it... is God first in your life? Is everything you do for His glory? (I am certainly asking this of myself as well, and trying to work on it!)

allen left to contemplate other things at 10:47 PM



. Allen Blackwood .
. email .
. AIM screen name: iOnTheBackburner (AIM) .
. 18 February 1987 .
. Indianapolis, IN, USA .
. Purdue .
. my profile .
. Weblog Commenting and Trackback by HaloScan.com .
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...Some Music...
<bgsound src="http://www.underblown.net/bands/mp3s/Bush_-_Letting_the_Cables_Sleep_(Apocalypta_mix).mp3" autostart="false" loop="true" class="drag">

thanks to underblown.net for the music (which happens to be Bush's 'Letting the Cables Sleep (Apocalypta mix)'

. allen b's pictures .
. anna p's pictures .
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. brandon and megan f .
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. ryan c .

. please let me know of any more! .

. acidplanet .
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. launch .
. makai media games .
. narnia .
. purdue corps .
. rpc of lafayette .
. rpc of southside indy .
. rpc of southside indy's sermons online .
. roasty.organism .
. settlers of catan online .
. they might be giants .

<bgsound src="" width="280" height="225" autostart="false" loop="true">
<bgsound src="" width="280" height="225" autostart="false" loop="true">

thanks to ______ for the video

.allen edited this.

.thanks to Staricious for the origional design.

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