. thanks to DPChallenge for the picture of the post.
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'I Will Never Forget' By philup)

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Okay, I recently read a very well written article by a reformed pastor against Christmas... I didn't really agree with most of it, but I asked my dad and he said a few things about the whole Christians celebrating Christmas thing (Keep in mind that I believe if YOU don't think you should celebrate Christmas, then you shouldn't! If your conscience tells you that you shouldn't celebrate it, than certainly you should not! As for me, I am not convicted in the same way as you are in this subject, and the same for you to me in some subjects, I know) - heh - sorry about the long (); back to the subject now:
About the Christians celebrating Christmas thing: Okay, my dad said (and I agree with what he said) that he does not think Christmas should be an emphasis in the church, however, he was told my a pastor that there was a tendacy to be able to preach on Christ's birth any day except the closest to Christmas day... and that seems kind of silly. Also, my dad has asked various people that since we shouldn't celebrate Christmas, does that mean we shouldn't "celebrate" Labor day, Independence day, mother's day, father's day, birthdays, &c. (that's etc. if any of you didn't realize ;)), and has never recieved any satisfactory answer. Also, he spoke of someone who was becoming convinced that he shouldn't celebrate Christmas from reading some articles about it, but then he found out that the same people who were writing the artcles celebrated Reformation day in their churches... so, those are just a few thoughts on the issue.
One more thought I had was that Christmas (however skewed it may be) appalls a lot of non-Christians, because it IS a celebration of the birth of Christ! I mean, I know 'tis a bit messed up with all the traditions and etc, but non-Christians are trying to "kill" Christmas... making it "winter solistice," "happy holidays," "x-mas," "Kwanzaa," &c.
I am certainly not the most expert person on this subject (by FAR), but these are just some thoughts... again, I think that if you do not think that you should celebrate Christmas, than you shouldn't. As for me, I'm not convicted of such.
Okay, I wrote this in response to a post by Sara Y. - check it out here: http://saraelisabet.blogspot.com/2004/12/evils-of-christmas.html. Umm... also, the article I was talking about (by a reformed pastor) is here:
http://www.reformed.com/pub/xmas.htm#C3S1. So, check those out if you feel like it...

Okay, now for a little fun: I am putting some draggable (like THIS) words below, and I want you guys to try to put them together to try to make a funny sentence. Comment your results, and we'll have a vote on the best one! ;) Come on guys - 'twill be fun! *Note* - you don't hafta use all of the words - just as many as you wish! *Note #2* Each individual word is (should be) draggable!

a a a a a an an this fun history oisome what dinosaur wierd girl they stuff
him teacher did Allen Christmas head ate toes the the the the
toilet lie Santa Claus David link if if smell side
phantasmagorical bit it it it long did just
not not is is mommy lot no
actually make hole
sick Jamie
he he save evil
cactus we we she they her
be be him been been his cool fence
1 4 56 89,234 you to to bird will to to smash
are picture are are have would were then in in time
Avery sleep after will disgusting son update where when why
's 's 's s s s s es ed ed ed er er er est est est ing ing . . , , ? ? ! ! - - $ $ & & % ® @ @

Wow - have fun you guys! I'm going to try it out as well!

Allen :-D

"song" of the post: "Can We Really Trust the Bible?" -Ham

quote of the post: "eh--stupid computer nerds, always ruining my day...besides, i would have never guessed that, becuase moths aren't green" -Ashley Anne Rusk *note* - this is a teaser of what is to come on here! ;)

verse of the post: "The fear of the LORD [is] clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the LORD [are] true [and] righteous altogether. More to be desired [are they] than gold, Yea, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them Your servant is warned, [And] in keeping them [there is] great reward." -Psalm 19:9-11

allen left to contemplate other things at 4:01 PM



. Allen Blackwood .
. email .
. AIM screen name: iOnTheBackburner (AIM) .
. 18 February 1987 .
. Indianapolis, IN, USA .
. Purdue .
. my profile .
. Weblog Commenting and Trackback by HaloScan.com .
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...Some Music...
<bgsound src="http://www.underblown.net/bands/mp3s/Bush_-_Letting_the_Cables_Sleep_(Apocalypta_mix).mp3" autostart="false" loop="true" class="drag">

thanks to underblown.net for the music (which happens to be Bush's 'Letting the Cables Sleep (Apocalypta mix)'

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. rachel j .
. tamara b .

. brandon and megan f .
. devon g .
. ed and nancy b .
. jenny h .
. mia s .
. micah and emily h .
. ryan c .

. please let me know of any more! .

. acidplanet .
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. launch .
. makai media games .
. narnia .
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. rpc of lafayette .
. rpc of southside indy .
. rpc of southside indy's sermons online .
. roasty.organism .
. settlers of catan online .
. they might be giants .

<bgsound src="" width="280" height="225" autostart="false" loop="true">
<bgsound src="" width="280" height="225" autostart="false" loop="true">

thanks to ______ for the video

.allen edited this.

.thanks to Staricious for the origional design.

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