. thanks to DPChallenge for the picture of the post.
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'I Will Never Forget' By philup)

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

allen left to contemplate other things at 10:37 PM



. Allen Blackwood .
. email .
. AIM screen name: iOnTheBackburner (AIM) .
. 18 February 1987 .
. Indianapolis, IN, USA .
. Purdue .
. my profile .
. Weblog Commenting and Trackback by HaloScan.com .
. This page is powered by Blogger. Isn't yours? .

...Some Music...
<bgsound src="http://www.underblown.net/bands/mp3s/Bush_-_Letting_the_Cables_Sleep_(Apocalypta_mix).mp3" autostart="false" loop="true" class="drag">

thanks to underblown.net for the music (which happens to be Bush's 'Letting the Cables Sleep (Apocalypta mix)'

. allen b's pictures .
. anna p's pictures .
. cyndi c's pictures .
. david p's pictures .
. abigail e .
. amin e .
. amy j .
. angela n .
. anna p .
. anna r .
. ashley b .
. becca l .
. bekah n .
. ben and anna l .
. beth l .
. brain fulk .
. brandon and megan f .
. charity b .
. cyndi c .
. daniel p .
. dave s .
. david p .
. ellen e .
. ellie c .
. grace h .
. hampy h .
. hannah r .
. jacob f .
. jamey y .
. jeremiah r .
. joe r .
. josh b .
. josh j .
. josh s .
. katie b .
. luke long .
. maggie p .
. maggie b .
. mary r .
. micah h (and family) .
. nathan d .
. nathan h .
. nathaniel p .
. pastor barry y .
. pastor james f .
. pastor jared o .
. patrick b .
. patrick h .
. rebekah r .
. robbie s .
. ross r .
. sara y .
. scott p .
. stacey b .
. steve t .
. zorro z .

. abby t. .
. allen b. .
. ashley r. .
. benji b .
. charlotte e .
. david l .
. eleni e .
. kevin f .
. laura s .
. nathaniel p .
. nirmala r .
. rachel j .
. tamara b .

. brandon and megan f .
. devon g .
. ed and nancy b .
. jenny h .
. mia s .
. micah and emily h .
. ryan c .

. please let me know of any more! .

. acidplanet .
. ebay .
. espn .
. google .
. homestar .
. launch .
. makai media games .
. narnia .
. purdue corps .
. rpc of lafayette .
. rpc of southside indy .
. rpc of southside indy's sermons online .
. roasty.organism .
. settlers of catan online .
. they might be giants .

<bgsound src="" width="280" height="225" autostart="false" loop="true">
<bgsound src="" width="280" height="225" autostart="false" loop="true">

thanks to ______ for the video

.allen edited this.

.thanks to Staricious for the origional design.

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