. thanks to DPChallenge for the picture of the post. |
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abortion & Sunday, August 29, 2004 Hi.
This article just about makes me cry. Literally cry. Abortion ban is unlawful, judge says Associated Press August 27, 2004 NEW YORK -- A federal judge declared the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act unconstitutional Thursday in the second such ruling in three months -- even though he called the procedure "gruesome, brutal, barbaric and uncivilized." U.S. District Judge Richard C. Casey -- one of three federal judges across the country to hear simultaneous challenges to the law earlier this year -- faulted the ban for not containing an exception to protect a woman's health, something the Supreme Court has made clear is required in laws prohibiting particular types of abortion. The law, signed last November, banned a procedure known to doctors as intact dilation and extraction. The fetus is partially removed from the womb, and the skull is punctured or crushed. Louise Melling, director of the ACLU's Reproductive Freedom Project, said her group was thrilled by the ruling. (read the rest of the article here) Especially the last part I included about the article - "...her group was thrilled by the ruling." - Thrilled?? THRILLED? About a baby being "...partially removed from the womb, and the skull... punctured or crushed." :'o( That just seems to me to be absolutely horrible.... I remember when I was younger, going to the various "walk-for-life" events and such, and my parent basically telling me what abortion was and seeing people's signs against it and such, and I just absolutely could not comprehend how someone could abort their baby! I remember thinking something like "How can they kill their baby when they are alive?" I just didn't understand how they could be able to kill their baby when their mother allowed them to live... and now, they won't give the same opportunity to their own child??? It just didn't make sense to me... and, really, it still doesn't. Abortion just horrifies me. We all really need to be praying that it would be stopped, and doing anything we can do (anything that is in accourdance with God's Law, that is) to stop this, or at least make our opinions known to others, if we can, etc. I think that, as this article is straight from the paper, we all should take application to the summer class we just had this quarter (for those of you not in the highschool program at Sothside RPC, we took a writing class this summer quarter in Sunday school, and worked on writing letters to the editor, good writing habits, etc) and write a really good letter to the editor responding to this article. Now, I really am not a real good writer, but I'd be willing to give my input and ideas, etc, and maybe like Joseph or Katie (or whomever else) could sorta be in charge of actually writing the letter, as I know both of them are pretty good writers, and we could just "get the ball rolling." What do you guys think? And, in the least, in we don't do anything else, we can certainly just pray about it! In Him, E. A. song of the post: "Precious Child" ~Debbie McCurry
quote of the post: "Okay so how can you call a operation, "Gruesome, brutal, barbaric, and uncivilized," and then turn and say that it is legal for doctors in a supposedly civilized nation to do. It makes no sense what so ever. Yet U.S. District Judge Richard C. Casey did that. He referred to it with all four adjectives I used and then overturned the ban. How pray tell does he expect our nation to remain civilized if you let the doctors do an operation which you say is uncivilized? I mean this shouldn't be hard to comprehend." ~Joseph Ray (referring to the article on partial birth abortions, which I also reffered to)
verse of the post: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." ~John 3:16
Who has a good verse on mothers taking care of their children or some verse that says something to that extent which basically refutes abortion? I was going to look one up, but I'm tired. a few pro-life links: Rock for Life, Abortion is , Abortion TV, The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, Abortion facts
WARNING (from one of the sites): Some of the following images are very graphic. They are guaranteed to cause grief to any with a conscience. But if it is just "fetal tissue", then it should not bother you at all. allen left to contemplate other things at 11:07 PM ### controversy...? etc. Saturday, August 28, 2004 Well, guys, I have a confession to make -
that really actually was me who posted the "Arabic" post. I actually found the writing on some person's blog! See, I kinda just wanted an excuse so I didn't hafta update for a few days. And, seemingly, it worked! Well, I am going to be highly opinionated in this post, so ha.te me for it if you must, but I'll try and back up my reasons... Oh, and please, someone read this whole thing - 'twill prolly be fairly long by the time I'm done! First off, about the whole Beach Volleyball and etc. thing: I personally think that their dress is quite inappropriate - not to say that I don't think that any other athletes dress is inapropriate, on the contrary,runners, and even the ladies of the shotput (among others) aren't dressed too modestly, either. However, I'd venture to say that the beach volleyball players are the least modestly dressed women of the Olypics. I would, and could post pictures to back me up here, but I will not, as this could we guys astray, which I don't want to do, but if any of you gi.rls (stupid computer) really want, I could send you a link to an article I found, which certainly shows why there is so much controversy and hype about Beach V-ball (and mainly the attire of beach v-ball). Here are some examples of reasons why beach volleyball players are too scantily clad, a few quotes from ESPN: 1. (Comparing indoor v-ball to beach v-ball)Close, but no cigar ... Also, no halftime show with scantily clad women either. 2. When it comes to watching, beach volleyball wins hands, thighs and everything else down. 3. ...the unofficial motto of Olympic beach volleyball is "Show us some skin!" 4. beach volleyball provides everything a fan could want in a sport... (yadda yadda) and, of course, beautiful women in bik.inis. 5. Not to imply that the athletes are scantily clad or anything, but even the bar manager at s would refuse to serve them. 6. ...the women wear little bik.ini bottoms and jog bras. 7. And yet, all that skin still isn't enough for beach volleyball. Oh, no. Just so that you can't possibly get bored, there is also the dance team, which runs onto the sand to huge applause during every break in the action. They make the Laker gi.rls look like an Amish quilting circuit. Gotta go - more later! Allen song of the post: [warrior's loss] ~shableep quote of the post: ["Modesty is something that I strive for in my life, and I thought I would share a few thoughts on the subject. While I think that we need to be modest through our dress, actions, and speech, I feel that sometimes, as a reaction to the world who goes too far in one direction, some women take it too far in the opposite, covering themselves to the extreme or wearing clothing that hides the body God gave them. There are times that women dress sloppily in the name of "modesty"; I believe women can be modest without appearing dumpy. I have become convicted on this issue by the Holy Spirit; I am Christ's hands and feet here on earth; I am His representative, and I want to glorify Him in all I do, including my dress and manners, so I strive to take care of myself and dress nicely because to the outside world, I may be the only representative of Christ they see. Plus I want to be as beautiful and as strong as God made me to be; my femininity is not something to hide or be ashamed of. In a world of feminism, I wish to fight the current tide and proclaim my joy in being the woman God created me to be by dressing femininely.."] ~Christy Patterson verse of the post: ["In the same way also, I desire that women adorn themselves in decent clothing, with modesty and sensibleness..."] ~1 Timothy 2:9a allen left to contemplate other things at 12:42 AM ### جنا تات حکو مت ملایان خوناشام Saturday, August 21, 2004 Hello reader!My blog seem to up and running again! I'm just doing as tester... Hope you all doing good! I am. This just fast post to see if working. Should able to make long post later soon. Ok well this goodbye. Talk to you later! Allen Blackwood جنا تات حکو مت ملایان خوناشام allen left to contemplate other things at 12:10 PM ### foot on head Wednesday, August 18, 2004 foot on head![]() a previous picture of the post allen left to contemplate other things at 11:02 PM ###
'Sup my brothers and sisters?
Here is the email my dad recieved about ECHO the other day after he sent an email to them expressing our concern and etc. "Below is a copy of the e-mail that our Director Martin Price sent ot our Board of Directors on Sunday. As of Wednesday we still do not have Power on the campus. We are accessing our e-mail from off campus. Thank you for your prayers and concerns. Since writing the following I learned that two trees fell on the big greenhouse where Charlie formerly had his technology demonstrations and did considerable damage. This morning I drove down to the Edison home and spoke with its director to see if we could help. About 10:30 this morning Some ECHO staff and perhaps 35 of the work team members left to help them clean up. The director was ecstatic that we would do this. She is calling the News Press so the whole county can see two nonprofits helping each other. Ironically she was scheduled to be at ECHO today to discuss how we and the Edison Home could collaborate. They lost many wonderful treews. Now, for what I wrote last night: What a last minute scare everyone got in Lee and Charlotte county (the county that starts about 8 miles to the north of ECHO). Most people had made their decisions about margins of safety based on the range of movement and size of Hurricane Charley. About an hour before it reached the weatherman took a risk to his professional career and gave a forecast that differed from the national hurricane center. He said it was turning toward Lee county. It had also suddenly in less than an hour jumped from a category 2 to a category 4 hurricane. He drew an arrow of one possibility that went right over ECHO. He said the tidal surge could be twice the ten feet at 20 feet at the shore. I had Jim Butler, one of the ECHO managers, and his wife Dru with us in our home. Dru had major surgery two days before and was hurting, so we had her in bed. Jim also brought a 93 year old woman that he looks after. When the new forecast hit we all rushed to our cars and headed to ECHO. The elevation of the floor of the two office buildings were deliberately made quite high. I think 14 feet above sea level--my house is 9 ft 4 inches. Fortunately it started north again but the eye was no more than 30 miles to our west. The storm surge did not materialize for most of the county amazingly. About 15 non-ECHO people joined us for shelter. Stan stayed in his house, the women interns stayed in the hurricane-proof A-frame, and married interns chose to stay in their housing. All of us were in constant communication by two way radios. No one was hurt and the only building damage was that the roof of the duck pen blew away. Yes, the ducks got wet! Some time during the night water appeared on the first floor of the A-frame. It could not have been a flood because the water has been higher many times. We'venever had this problem in 23 years. My guess is that the hurricane force winds blew water some place that it does not normally blow. Anyway, we are tearing out the carpet. Five or six trees, several of them 20 or more years old, around the A frame blew down. NONE of them hit the A frame. Other tall trees blew down. I have no count, but we could have lost 75 banana trees. In God's providence the previous week the largest work team every to come to ECHO, 58 college age student leaders led by past intern Tim Rapp, were here. So they helped us prepare. Fortunately they were staying at the Methodist Campground which was away from danger. The next day, yesterday, they came to the farm and worked all day clearing the considerable number of fallen trees. The fruit tree arboretum was little damaged, probably because they are planted so close that Danny has to keep them pruned very low. It was strange for everyone in both counties to go home to darkness and, usually, having no phone. Amazingly Bonnie and I had power restored the next afternoon. They had said that rural areas would be last in line. We have no phone. I'm at a friend's house who does have phone but no electricity for my first check of email. ECHO has no phone and no electricity. We are telling the office staff to take the day off tomorrow but thoe rest of us will be there." Whew! A sigh of relief there (well, really 'twas when I read David's latest post, but 'twas extra 'sighful' [?;)], er, relieving, when I got the email from my dad). Well guys. 'Tis been a few days since I last posted. Sorry about that. I was away all weekend so I wasn't able to do it then, but I did try to update last night, but the internet messed up and all was lost when I was done with everything except the song of the post!!!! (note: 4 exclamation points used for that extra emphasis) Of course, don't it always happen dat way? Instead of attempting to remember and rewrite last night's amazing thoughts, writings, and hilarity, I'll just write a completely new post (as I am now doing). Arg! Welp, that's about it! Wait - one more thing - I watched a really good movie today - Hardball, with Keanu Reaves - great movie! I'd give it about ***** out of 5*'s! It was really a good movie. One bad thing - it has a lot of cussing (because most of the movie takes place in the ghetto), but we have a TVGuardian, which cuts out the bad language, so 'tis good for me! But, besides the language, 'tis a real swell movie. I'd suggest you see it (if you don't want to because of the language, then either come to my house to watch it, or watch the tv version, maybe). 'Tis about a guy (Keanu Reaves) who coaches a baseball team from the gheddo, but only because he gets $500 a week to coach 'em, and he needs money to pay off some bookies who are looking to kill him if he doesn't pay up. That's the basic plot by me. I can't tell you too much, because 'twould ruin it forya. But, 'tis a really good movie, and you certainly don't hafta like baseball at all to like it. And, for you s, there's (obviously) a nice romance plot in it, and for you action-crazy guys, there's some guns (not too much though). Charity, me wondrous sister, really liked it too. It made me tear up - just that should make you run to your local library, movie store, or whatever to get it! ;o)
Love, *Lumberjack* song of the post: Breathe In (edited version - I don't quite like the edited version as well as the origional, but 'tis still pretty good) *Frou Frou* (thanks to Acid Planet for the clip, and to redHERRING (I think) for the editing) (note: from now on, I will be putting the "thanks to" for the music right below the media player, as I did today) quote of the post: "I think a funny joke during an earthquake would be if you straddle[d] a in the floor and as it got wider waved your arms about and shouted 'whoa! whoa!' as if you were going to fail in." Thanks to *Scott Porter* verse of the post: "Behold, the days are coming," says the Lord GOD, "that I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD. They shall wander from sea to sea, and from north to east; They shall run to and fro, seeking the word of the LORD, but shall not find it. In that day the fair virgins and strong young men shall faint from thirst." *Amos 8:11-13* allen left to contemplate other things at 12:53 AM ### a quickie Friday, August 13, 2004 Well, I don't have much time to write, as I've been busying myself by looking for b&w photography. I think that the pictures of the post will look best in black and white, don't you? However, I might put a few color photos on every once in a while. If any of you have any suggestions on pictures or websites or just want to email me a picture to put up (b& or otherwise), please tell me! My email should be in the index under ".me." (I know, I know there really should be a comma there before the quotation marks but oh well!) so send me a pic or a link to a pic or something, please!
Another thing - I think I'll put the picture of the post in the latest post it was on, so that way one can look at it if one didn't get a chance to see it the previous day. Umm... So... man. I need to get some sleep - I'll try and think of something somewhat controversial to talk about tomarrow! Love, Al'n song of the post: 'Mad World' +Gary Joules+ (thanks to some guy named James from Penn St for the clip) quote of the post: "Do not use a hatchet to remove a fly from your friend's forehead." +Chinese Proverb+ (thanks to coolquotes) verse of the post: "And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel." +Genesis 3:15+ allen left to contemplate other things at 12:32 AM ###
Wednesday, August 11, 2004 the beach![]() a previous picture of the post allen left to contemplate other things at 11:30 PM ###
I've taken the initiative to add a bunch of stuff to my blog - a tagboard (which I hope doesn't turn out to be a bad idea), a guestbook (can't be too bad), all of the blog links I have (I think - and if I'm missing some, please tell me, so that I can correct them), some links to pictures (there should me some more later), etc. Feel free to use whatever you desire. One thing, however is that I'd rather you use commenting if you have a comment for me on my post (or a comment on what someone else commented on my post, or a comment on a comment on what someone else commented on my post, or a comment on a comment on a comment on what someone else commented on my post, etc. *whew!*), as opposed to simply putting a comment on the tagboard. Now if you just have a shoutout, random fact, favorite color, or something else that you'd like to tell me (and/or anyone else who reads my blog), please go right ahead! Oh, also, I've decided not to change the 'song of the post' and 'picture of the post' yet, b/c I'd hafta do that every single post, and for one, that'd take too long, and as well, some of my faithful readers could possibly miss out on my picture or song, if they didn't check out my blog one day! So, I guess I'll hafta change the title of them to 'song of the.... umm something.... any suggestions?' and 'picture of the..... ditto.' Hmm... a delima - please help me out here, guys! What should I call my songs and/or pictures? Or, should I simply change them daily, or.... what? Well... we had the pizza party Mrs. Ray promised us if one of the Southside Bible Quiz teams made it to the Genesis Bible Quiz Bowl finals at Calvin! 'Twas a real good time of eating (although I really shouldn't've eaten that pizza, as it hurt my mouth a fair bit!), fellowship, and fun! We ate pizza and chips, and drank non-alcoholic beverages, talked, played 'Ultimate Knockout' (I can explain this later if anyone desires) and the classic 'Capture the Flag' (my team won, obviously!), among other activities and etc. I guess that about does it for me! In Him, A. Leon btw: Ooh - one more thing - how should I have my posts located? Should I center them (like this one), align them to the right (like the previous two), align them left, or justify them?
song of the post(s?): 'Sleepy Head' ~Eisley (thanks to straylight6 for the clip quote of the post: "The wise man in the storm prays God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-82) (thanks to coolquotes) verse of the post: "But Jesus looked at them and said to them, "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." ~Matthew 19:26 allen left to contemplate other things at 11:27 PM ### first "real" post in a long time... Tuesday, August 10, 2004 Hey guys!
Sorry that it has been sooo since I last blogged. I have been busy, and when I haven't, I've not been able to get my blog to work. But, finally, I got a bunch of time lately and tried to fix it (as a matter of fact, I thought I had fixed it), but I couldn't get everything to quite work out correctly for some reason. So, I just got a new blog address. Well, on to other things... I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed and am still a bit sore, but not too bad. If any of you are dreading getting your wisdom teeth removed, cease and desist from that. 'Tis really not that bad. they give you laughing gas, and you 'pass into oblivion' after a few minutes for an hour. When they get you up you're pretty groggy (I can barely remember getting in our van), and you'll prolly fall asleep wherever you sit/lay for a little while. When you wake up, there's not really any pain because most of your mouth is numb. The pain didn't start for me until the next morning, and 'twasn't all that bad really. Hmm... well, that's about it for now! I need to take my medicine and get to bed! God Bless! -Allen- song of the post: 'Sleepy Head' by Eisley (thanks to straylight6 for the clip) quote of the post: "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." - Confucius (thanks to cool quiz) verse of the post: "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to guve a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear;" - I Peter 3:15 allen left to contemplate other things at 11:23 PM ### marvelous things Thursday, August 05, 2004 Trying to change.... allen left to contemplate other things at 12:41 AM ### |
.me. . Allen Blackwood . .music. ...Some Music... thanks to underblown.net for the music (which happens to be Bush's 'Letting the Cables Sleep (Apocalypta mix)' .tagboard.
. allen b's pictures . .xangas.
. abby t. . .personal websites.
. brandon and megan f . .other links.
. acidplanet . .archives. .video. thanks to ______ for the video .other stuff. .allen
edited this. .thanks to Staricious for the origional design. |