. thanks to DPChallenge for the picture of the post. |
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bottled water, update on me, and more! Monday, October 31, 2005 Hey, this is just a little post to update you a little bit on me, as well to just, idunno, go on a little controversy for some fun, as well as to fulfill my monthly post 'quota.' So, first off, I'll start off on me, I guess... Hmm... well, maybe I won't. Actually, I'll start off on the little bit of controversy and funness I spoke earlier of. To explain, I read this article on Ellie's blog (xanga) , and this (in quotes and italicized) is what she wrote, and below that is my response to what she wrote. "I read this little article in today's newspaper and I thought it would be interesting to post some of it. Its talking about the top ten beverages that Americans drink daily. - Bottled Water, 72 percent - Soft Drinks, 62 percent - Milk, 61 percent - Coffee, 61 percent - Fruit Juices, 51 percent - Black Tea, 31 percent - Vegetables Juices, 17 percent - Green Tea, 15 percent - Beer, 14 percent - Hard Liquor, 10 percent I think that it's very good to see that water is on the top of the list, hopefully that will stay on top. I was surprised that coffee is the same percent as milk. Apparently we are becoming more dependent on caffeine. Comments are appreciated!!!! :)" WOAH WOAH WOAH! Ellie - I must admit that I am very much not for your being glad for BOTTLED... again, BOTTLED!!!... right, that was BOTTLED water being on the top of the list! I am actually rather horrified that you would be happy for people drnking bottled water! (well, maybe not quite horrified )Okay, First off, I am pretty much 100% sure that WATER, (NOT Bottled water... again, that's NOT Bottled water) is the top beverage drunk (?) daily by Americans. Secondly, I personally think that buying bottled water (save for possible situations where one own's water tastes uh... horribly distasteful [but I think then you go to your local food store or gas station that has water available for 25 cents a gallon with your lucky 5-gallon jug or 1-gal milk jug] or tap water isn't available) is umm... basically pretty dumb. I mean, okay, so some companies bottles water (one of our most plentiful resources, maybe our most plentiful resource? I bet it definitely is including the frozen stuff as well. Also, it is just about freely available for everyone in this country), and they sell it (for more than soft drinks, btw, at least on the average, and prolly more than gas in many cases!) to, well, "dumb" American consumers... I recall a 'joke' (I bet it's more true than not) now... So, some French businessman says to another French businessman, "Americans are so dumb that I bet we could bottle water and sell it to them at a very excessive cost and they'd go crazy for it!" Heh... so they go for it. And we go for it. Crazy...Anyways, just some rantings and ravings... I may re-do this and make it into a post... but I'll still leave the comment for now. Oh, and another thing, despite being appalled by bottled water being "top" (according to this), I was happy to see that soft drinks and milk, apparently, are still above coffee. Don't get me wrong, I've nothing against coffee, but I really don't like Starbucks, what they do, what they support, etc.Anyways, hope somebody reads this silly comment and responds to it! ...So that was what I wrote concerning Ellie's post. 'twas mostly just for fun, so please don't get too offended, but still, feel free to express your opinions on things, in fact, I would ask that you go all out and vent whatever you are feeling (just please keep it clean), 'cause that might be pretty fun actually! So, about me: Well, for any of you who didn't know, I have been having some medical problems for over a month now, and last week, it got bad enough that I was sent to the hospital Tuesday after going into the doctor's again (I had been in Monday as well as a couple of weeks previous) with some pretty bad stomach pains and other complications. After some tests and stuff, they figured out that I have ulcerative colitis, which, I won't explain on here, but if you're curious, you can check out this link to find out some more about it. It's not very exciting. Not all that much fun either. But anyways, so that's what I was diagnosed with, and I guess that I will have it for the rest of my life. Thankfully, it is something that a person can live with, most often without too much trouble. Umm, and I was released from the hospital Thursday, and went home and rested for a couple of days.I'm now back at school (at the Saunders'), and am doing better. I still am having some troubles, but hopefully this medicine I am taking will get rid of them all fairly soon. Thank you for those of you who prayed (and visited, etc), and I would appreciate your prayers in a couple (three) areas: 1. That this might all clear up, and I might be able to be pretty much fully back to normal. 2. That I would be able to catch up with all of my school after having missed a full week last week. 3. That God would be bringing me closer to him through this illness, and show me what all He wants me to get out of this 'suffering.' This has definitely made me think about things more, which is good, and has made me trust on God more, another good thing, as well, I have, mainly as a result of this (though I was considering doing it anyway) quit my job at FedEx (which I am pretty happy about - for any of you who don't know, I would have to get up at 3:30am to work from 4 - 8 or so, and it really wasn't that much fun getting up so early. I didn't mind the work, but getting up was horrible oftentimes.), so I am also seeing that as a blessing from this. Thankfully, I will be able to usher in December, and I am now looking for a job for next semester, but for November, I will be able to focus on school and getting caught up and getting prepped for finals. Well, I hope that this post has explained a bit on me, and I hope that the bottled water and etc. controversy might go somewhere for fun, and I hope that you all have a blessed, umm, month! God Bless and Goodnight! -Edwin Allen Blackwood song of the post: Cake's "Pretty Pink Ribbon" quote of the post: Esther Faris's "Allen, let me see your body." (hehe - there's a story behind that'n.) verse(s) of the post: In chapter 5.13-18, James' "Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit." allen left to contemplate other things at 10:10 PM ### |
.me. . Allen Blackwood . .music. ...Some Music... thanks to underblown.net for the music (which happens to be Bush's 'Letting the Cables Sleep (Apocalypta mix)' .tagboard.
. allen b's pictures . .xangas.
. abby t. . .personal websites.
. brandon and megan f . .other links.
. acidplanet . .archives. .video. thanks to ______ for the video .other stuff. .allen
edited this. .thanks to Staricious for the origional design. |